Additional Guidance Regarding Remote and Alternative Work, Employee Absences Due To Childcare

March 15, 2020

Additional Guidance Regarding Remote and Alternative Work, Employee Absences Due To Childcare

In a communication sent earlier today to all NC State employees, Chancellor Woodson reiterated that we are in an unprecedented situation regarding the spread of COVID-19 and its impacts on our university operations and community. As leaders, we know you are getting many inquiries about remote and alternative work, and childcare-related issues from parents who need to stay home with children following Governor Cooper’s Executive Order.

First and foremost, we want to reinforce the chancellor’s direction for supervisors to promptly implement remote and alternative work arrangements and additional social distancing practices for your employees, where possible and appropriate. We recognize and appreciate that many units across campus already have these plans in place. As leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure the university remains open and operational while also being flexible and considerate of employee needs during this trying time.

Regarding remote work and alternative work arrangements, college, department and unit-level supervisors are empowered to make those decisions because they are best situated to determine how to maintain university operations specific to their areas of responsibility.

We understand that many positions at NC State are not eligible or appropriate for remote work. For these employees, please look at alternative and social distancing arrangements such as:

  • Reducing face-to-face exposure by using audio and/or video conferencing.
  • Scheduling a reduced number of employees on shifts to reduce the numbers of individuals in shared workspaces.
  • Alternating work schedules.
  • Spreading out work spaces and otherwise distancing workers from one another.

We also understand there will be situations when employees who are not eligible for remote or alternative work arrangements will need to miss work due to childcare challenges while K-12 schools are closed. Policy does allow these employees to use leave time for this purpose. Human Resources has posted additional guidance on their COVID-19 FAQ. Please see HR’s pandemic and communicable disease guidelines and resources web page for more guidelines and resources.

As this unprecedented situation continues to evolve, we will provide additional information as it becomes available. Please study the HR materials posted as well as the university updates and resources consistently updated at and direct employees to do the same.

As we work to address questions as quickly as we can, Emergency Management and Mission Continuity has created the internally facing Working@NC State During COVID-19 web page where employees can find a variety of workplace answers and ask questions. Please review this important information, and use the Human Resources Question Submission form and/or the General Updates Submission form to submit additional questions for response.

Thank you all for your tremendous work and relentless dedication to ensuring NC State remains operational and as safe and healthy as possible.