Service Awards Program
The Service Awards program provides recognition to employees for their years of service and dedicated commitment to the university and the State of North Carolina. The UHR Learning and Organizational Development Office sponsors an annual Service Awards Breakfast to recognize those who have achieved service milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40, 45, etc. Attendees receive a special gift to commemorate their service. Employees who achieve 25 years of service will be honored by the Chancellor during a Quarter Century Breakfast where they receive a commemorative engraved brick.
The 2023 Service Award Events will be held on July 13, 2023 for 5-45 year honorees with milestone dates between January and July.
Quick Stats
NC State recognizes permanent SHRA and EHRA non-faculty employees at .50 FTE and above for their total State of NC Service.
This recognition program does not include faculty, rehired retirees, or “non-permanent” positions such as postdoc, CVM house officer, temp, grad assistant, or student workers.
Years of service are determined on a calendar year basis. Prior to each calendar year, UHR identifies NC State University employees who may be eligible for service recognition based on years of service with the university and/or the state, as applicable. Honorees’ years of service are verified with their College or Division’s Human Resources Department prior to receiving an invitation to the Service Award Events. Each honoree receives an email with a link to register to attend the event.
Coordinator / Contact Information
For questions, contact or your college or division HR lead.
Gift Selection
Eligible employees can select one item from a list of gift options starting at 5 years of service. Previous year gifts will be offered along with the next milestone year gift options. The order form will be sent directly to the employee by the University Learning and Organizational Development Office. Gift pick up will be coordinated with your college or division HR lead.