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Academic HR Toolkit

One-stop-shop for NC State academic HR resources.

Compensation & Benefits

TopicDescriptionResponsible Unit/Contact
Additional Compensation Paid Through the UniversityAdditional Compensation are payments made through the University Payroll Office that are beyond base salary. Additional compensation is payment for effort that is clearly outside the scope of the employee’s job description – or Statement of Faculty Responsibilities – performed outside of normal work effort or that adds extra work effort in addition to effort spent on normal job dutiesHRIMA
Additional Compensation-Overview/Best PracticesUpdates and practices related to additional comp.Class & Comp
Additional Compensation-Earnings Codes and Time Reporting Codes In order to determine the appropriate Earnings Code (EC) and Time Reporting Code (TRC) supporting the additional work effort. The initiator of the transaction should identify the appointment period and category of work being performed.Class & Comp
Additional Compensation-ManualIncludes definitions, terms, acronyms, limitations, roles and responsibilities, and instructions on navigating the Additional Compensation transactions.Class & Comp
Additional Compensation Training MaterialsA list of ad hoc, self paced training tools.Class & Comp
Converting faculty salaries between AY and FY appointmentsStandard operating practice to convert faculty salaries between fiscal and academic year.Provost Office
Non-Salary Deferred CompensationPolicies, guidelines, forms, template letters related to deferred compensation.Class & Comp
EHRA Salary AdjustmentsInformation on types of salary adjustments and requirements.Class & Comp
Submit an EHRA Salary AdjustmentSalary adjustment requests are submitted through PeopleAdminClass & Comp
Summer Salary Annual Online TrainingAnyone responsible for entering or approving summer salaries  is required to complete this online training annually prior to processing actions.  Anyone receiving summer salaries will also need to complete the online Summer Salary Training course annually in Reporter prior to receiving any summer salary payments.Contracts & Grants
Phased RetirementThe Phased Retirement Program (PRP) is intended to facilitate retirement decisions by allowing eligible faculty the option to continue participation in academic life and mentoring of students while preparing for the future.Benefits
Delegations of Authority for Salary ActionsA summary of approval requirements for salary actions related to EHRA non-faculty and faculty positions.Class & Comp

Recruitment & Diversity

TopicDescriptionResponsible Unit/Contact
EHRA RecruitmentsWalk through the recruitment process from planning the recruitment to finalizing the hire.Talent Acq. & Empl.
Waivers of RecruitmentDefinitions, SOPs and PRRs, for permissible waivers.Talent Acq. & Empl.
Waiver WorkflowGuides you through the roles and responsibilities of the units involved in the waiver processTalent Acq. & Empl.
Equity and Diversity in RecruitmentHave a question about hiring practices? Equal Opportunity and Equity answers questions and provides search committee orientations designed to assist you.OEO
Executive RecruitmentConsultation with NC State’s internal executive recruitment service to determine if targeted recruitment or logistical services are needed to enhance your job searches.Executive Search Services (ESS)

Performance Management

TopicDescriptionResponsible Unit/Contact
EHRA Non-Faculty Performance ManagementFAQs, forms, resources, and training to help navigate the process of developing annual performance plans and completing annual performance evaluations.Employee Relations
Faculty Performance ManagementPRRs related to faculty performance management.Provost Office
Post Doc Annual ReviewPostdocs should have yearly performance review meetings with their supervisor(s) in June of each year. This process should be documented using one of our two approved forms.Employee Relations

Classifications, Titles, Rank

TopicDescriptionResponsible Unit/Contact
Faculty Classification SummariesSummary definitions of tenured, tenure track, and professional faculty.Class & Comp
Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and RequirementsA comprehensive policy that covers appointment, reappointment, promotion, tenure, and separationsProvost Office
Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments (previously Non-tenure track)A comprehensive regulation that covers appointment, contract renewal, promotion, and separationsProvost Office
Translation of Professional Track Faculty Working Hours to FTEA chart to help identify the FTE percentage that should be assigned to professional faculty based on the credit hours being taught.Class & Comp
EHRA Non-Faculty Classification SummariesSummary definitions of non-faculty EHRA classifications related to instructional, research, information, technologyClass & Comp
Emeritus FacultyUpon approval of the Chancellor, emeritus/emerita status is granted to retiring full-time faculty in recognition of dedicated service at NC State University.  It is an earned rank and as such entitles its holders to commensurate rights and privileges.Provost Office
Professors of DistinctionCovers the types of distinctions, their criteria, and the selection procedures.Provost Office
Academic Departments that May Award RankProvost Office
CUPA-HR Sample Job Description IndexThe CUPA-HR Job Description Index provides access to sample job descriptions for positions unique to higher education.  OSHR and the UNC System Office have certain requirements for job descriptions for SHRA and EHRA positions that may be different than what this resource tool contains.  CUPA-HR login required.  NC State University is a member of CUPA-HR and all HR Professionals are welcome to be added to the roster and create your account to receive CUPA-HR communication and resources.Class & Comp

Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure

TopicDescriptionResponsible Unit/Contact
Tenure WorkflowA visual demonstration of the path to tenure.Provost Office
Reappointment, promotion and tenureReappointment, promotion and tenure mark significant milestones in a faculty member’s academic career. The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost provides all relevant services and information to support everyone involved in various stages of these processes.Provost Office
RPT roles and responsibilitiesResponsibilities for the many key roles involved in the RPT process from the faculty member to the, to the department voting faculty, to the RPT liaison.Provost Office
RPT videosThis series of videos will provide updates and give answers to your most common RPT questions.Provost Office
RPT LiaisonsInstructions on the responsibilities and resources for Department or college RPT liasons.Provost Office
RPT FAQsQuick access to common questions related to RPT.  Ex:  Dossiers, tenure clocks, and voting.Provost Office
RPT TimelineThis site is designed to help determine when the mandatory review for reappointment to Assistant Professor 2nd Term, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, or the conferral of tenure on an Associate Professor without tenure is to take place for tenure-track faculty.Provost Office 
RPT OnlineNC State University’s online resource for submitting, assessing, and managing faculty reviews and documents.Provost Office

Professional Development

TopicDescriptionResponsible Unit/Contact
Learning Opportunities for Academic PersonnelL&OD fosters a learning culture where employees are engaged in continuous learning.L&OD
Office of Faculty DevelopmentThe Office of Faculty Development fosters and facilitates the success of NC State’s faculty through programming and events that enhance skills and practices, provide access to supportive resources, build community, and recognize faculty accomplishments.OFD

Governing Bodies for NC State

TopicDescriptionResponsible Unit/Contact
Board of TrusteesAccording to The UNC Code, NC State shall have a board of trustees composed of thirteen persons: eight are elected by the UNC Board of Governors; two are appointed by the General Assembly, one upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and one upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and the president of the student body serves an ex-officio member.BOT
The Code and UNC Policy ManualThe Board of Governors maintains The Code and the UNC Policy Manual. The Code incorporates the requirements of the North Carolina constitution and General Statutes, as well as Board of Governors bylaws and other high-level policies. The UNC Policy Manual provides more specific direction and policies on university matters.UNC System Office
NC State Policies, Regulations & Rules related to PersonnelNC State has a cataloging system for the identification and classification of its policies, regulations, and rules. This system provides ease of use to students, faculty, and staff, as well as others such as potential students and employees.NC State University
Faculty SenateThe North Carolina State University Faculty Senate is a body of faculty representatives from each college, school, and other university constituency.  The Faculty Senate facilitates faculty participation in the governance of the university.Faculty Senate

Academic HR Training

Human resources in an academic environment is unique and differs quite a bit from the corporate world. We’ve gathered some training and tools to help HR professionals on campus gain a better understanding of some of the idiosyncrasies of higher education. These are self paced and available to HR professionals across campus.


As the association for HR professionals in higher education, CUPA-HR provides leadership on higher education workplace issues in the U.S. and abroad. They monitor trends, explore emerging workforce issues, conduct research and promote strategic discussions among colleges and universities.

NC State University is a member of CUPA-HR and all HR Professionals are welcome to be added to the roster to create your account and to have access to CUPA-HR communication and resources.