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HR Professionals

Human resources professionals across NC State help ensure their colleagues — and the university — can do their best work.

OneHR: Leading Our Pack

Human resources professionals are spread out across NC State’s campus, playing an important part in departments, units and University Human Resources itself. These professionals are involved in every stage of the employee lifecycle — from hiring, onboarding, changing roles and offboarding.

Our OneHR operating model emphasizes community. Based on innovative and trusting partnerships, OneHR unites us to solve HR challenges together. At University Human Resources, we’re eager to collaborate with our partners and give them every resource needed to accomplish their duties.

HRNow, Our Online Human Resources Portal

The go-to source for NC State’s human resources information, HRNow gives you detailed information about our programs and services, such as how-to-guides, policies and frequently asked questions. You can send UHR questions and service requests or use a virtual agent to get help at your fingertips.

Your Role in Action

As an HR professional, you help your colleagues, your unit and the entire campus community operate effectively and efficiently. We want your job to run just as smoothly. Learn how to complete necessary tasks and meet your responsibilities with ease.

Reach Out

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need additional support. Members of University Human Resources are ready to help you.