Employment Records and Employment Verification
The University Human Resources records team provides a wide array of services for both current and prior employees, including:
- Employment verification
- Total state service time and leave balance transfers
- Public record requests
- Personnel file requests
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) verification
- Record retention guidance
If you require record services, please contact Human Resources Information Management and Analytics in University Human Resources at HRIMRecords@ncsu.edu or 919-515-7929.
Employee Rights, Public Information and Confidentiality
An employee who objects to the information in their file may place a statement in the file relating to that which is considered inaccurate or misleading. Please visit the Employee Relations section of the HR website, Grievances and Disputes, for details on seeking removal of such material.
Some information in an employee’s personnel file is considered open to the public. For more information about public records, visit the Office General Counsel website.
If you receive a request for an employee’s personnel file, please send the request to Human Resources Information Management & Analytics (HRIMA). HRIMA will collect, review and provide the requested records to the extent allowed.
Employment Records
Employee Files and Access
University Human Resources (UHR) serves as the official repository for personnel files of permanent SHRA employees. A personnel file consists of personal information relating to the individual’s application, promotion, transfer, salary, and separation. UHR currently maintains SHRA records beginning with those employees who separated in 1989.
In accordance with the guidelines on public and confidential information, employees have access to their personnel files regardless of their locations. Certain personnel information can be disclosed by the university, upon written request (as stated in N.C. General Statute 126-23) during regular business hours. SHRA employees that desire to view their personnel file should contact Human Resources Information Management and Analytics (HRIMA) in UHR at hrimrecords@ncsu.edu or 919-515-7929.
Policy Information: Personnel Records Policy
UHR serves as the official repository for personnel files of permanent EPS employees. A personnel file consists of personal information relating to the individual’s application, promotion, transfer, salary, and separation. UHR currently has EPS microfiche records beginning with those EPS employees who separated in 1977. However, files prior to 1984 are from a non-computerized system and, therefore, limited to some employment dates, last title held, and educational background.
In accordance with the guidelines on public and confidential information, employees have access to their personnel files regardless of their locations. Certain personnel information can be disclosed by the university, upon written request (as stated in N.C. General Statute 126-23) during regular business hours. EPS employees that desire to view their personnel file should contact Human Resources Information Management and Analytics in UHR at hrimrecords@ncsu.edu or 919-515-7929.
Policy Information: Personnel Records Policy
Due to the volume of these types of employees, records are only retained within the hiring department (or UTS, when applicable) for 5 years after separation. UHR does not maintain files for temporary and student employees.
Policy Information: Personnel Records Policy
Grad Students and Post Docs
UHR does not maintain files for graduate students or post docs. If you require assistance, please reach out to the Graduate School at the graduate-school@ncsu.edu email address or call (919) 515-2871 for graduate records.
Policy Information: Personnel Records Policy
Archive Requests
For information on employees who separated from the University between the years 1971 and 1989, a request must be made through HRIMA to have the official archived file retrieved from the North Carolina State Archives (NC State Archives). There is a 2-6 week turn around time for requests from NC State Archives. In order to request a file from the NC State Archives, HRIMA will need the following information about the former employee:
- Full name (First name, Middle Initial, Last Name)
- Date of Birth
- Year and month of separation
Records for SHRA employees separated prior to 1971 are unavailable and records for EPS employees who separated prior to 1977 are unavailable.
Policy Information: Personnel Records Policy
Record Retention
Department File
Departments may keep ‘unofficial’ working files that follow an employee’s career through the university. These files usually include:
- Performance appraisals
- Leave records
- Correspondence pertinent to the permanent file.
Following an employee’s separation, departments are expected to forward certain records to the Human Resources Information Management and Analytics (HRIMA) team.
Policy Information: 2021 General Records Schedule
Central Office File
The central office file is maintained in University Human Resources by the Human Resources and Information Management and Analytics (HRIMA) team. All files received from the departmental level are stored and managed according to the record Retention Schedule.
Policy Information: 2021 General Records Schedule
Employment Verification
External Employment Verification
The records team in Human Resources Information Management and Analytics provides manual employment verification for NC State student employees. All student employment verifications requests should be sent to HRIMRecords@ncsu.edu. All Graduate Assistantship employment verifications are completed through the Graduate School. Please visit the Graduate School website for more details.
NC State does not provide manual employment verification for permanent or temporary employment. Instead, we utilize TALX, also known as The Work Number to provide automated employment and income verifications and employment certifications for SHRA, EPS, and temporary employees.
Employees can instantly certify their employment and income at NC State when they apply for loans, auto financing, credit cards, job offers, apartment rentals and other services. Any lender or leasing agent can verify the employment and income for any NC State faculty and staff member (regular and temp employees) by visiting The Work Number website and entering NC State’s code: 13063. They can print verifications from the website or call 1-800-367-5690 for voice or fax verifications.
Employees can create salary keys as needed and can access one free Employment Data Report each year through The Work Number. A salary key is a unique single-use, six-digit code that employees can provide to a verifier as consent to access their income information. The report provides complete historical employment and income information, as well as a listing of verifier requests for the past two years.
More information on employment verifications, including instructions for utilizing The Work Number, is available in HRNow.
State Service Verification
Total State Service
This service credit is the grand total of all permanent, probationary, and time-limited time, either full-time or part-time (regularly scheduled 20 hours or more each work week), that an employee has served in State government or other recognized public sector systems. This type of service does not have to be continuous; however, breaks in service are not counted in the computation for credit.
Total State Service time is credited for employment with:
- Any State agency (subject to or exempt from the State Personnel Act);
- Any governmental unit now a State Agency. Examples include county highway maintenance forces, War Manpower Commission, and the Judicial System;
- Local units of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources (mental health, public health, and social service) or any local Emergency Management Agency (civil defense) time;
- County Agricultural Extension Service;
- Community college or public school system;
- North Carolina General Assembly; and
- Other public sector employers as directed and approved by the Office of State Personnel.
Military leave (under certain conditions) and workers’ compensation leave are creditable to Total State Service. Paid leave or paid time off are also credited. Leave paid at termination is not credited to Total State Service.
Total State Service time is used for determining eligibility for:
- Longevity pay
- Vacation leave earning rates
- Service appreciation program awards
- Selection for layoff (reduction-in-force)
- Priority reemployment following a layoff.
NOTE: TSSD is not used to calculate retirement date.
Policy Information: Creditable Service Policy
Continuous State Service
This type of service is the period of unbroken employment for employees under the State Human Resources Act. Only permanent uninterrupted employment status under the State Human Resources Act is creditable toward this time.
This type of service is used to determine probationary or career status for SHRA employees. It also establishes eligibility for filing grievance appeals to the State Personnel Commission.
A break in service is defined as an interruption of continuous state service. An employee experiences a break in state service when the employee moves from one state agency to another and is not employed by the receiving agency within 30 calendar days following the last day worked (or approved day of leave at the transferring agency) or moves from a full-time equivalent (FTE) position to a temporary, temporary grant, or time-limited position.
Policy Information: Creditable Service Policy
Creditable Retirement Service
Creditable Retirement Service is the length of time an employee has made contributions to the State Retirement System. This service time is used to determine eligibility for a retirement benefit (pension) and the amount of the retirement benefit. This includes membership service for any period during which you contribute to TSERS, provided you have not withdrawn your contributions.
Note: Creditable State Service is not calculated the same as Total State Service.
Policy Information: Creditable Service Policy
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Verification
Employees that are submitting the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) form should complete the request form below. HRIM will send you a completed Employer Information page for you to submit along with the remainder of your application within 2 business days.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Information