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Death of a Spouse or Dependent

Qualifying Life Event

The death of a legal spouse or dependent is generally considered a qualifying life event. If your dependent or legal spouse dies, you’ll have 30 days to request conditional changes to State Health Health Plan and NCFlex benefits. The 30-day window starts on the date the death occurs.

The effective date for your benefit changes will be the first of the month following the date of the death.

Only certain changes to NCFlex benefit plans are permitted due to the death of a dependent or legal spouse. Review the “Death of Dependent” section on this NCFlex table to see which changes are permitted.

If your dependent or legal spouse dies and you want to make changes to your benefits, you’ll need to provide documents in support of your request. Acceptable documents include a death certificate or an obituary for the respective spouse or dependent.

How To Request Changes and Upload Documents

You can request changes to your benefits due to a qualifying event and submit documents in support of your request through the employee benefits enrollment portal, via MyPack portal.