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Annual / Vacation Leave

The purpose of annual leave, or vacation leave, is to encourage employees to renew themselves physically and mentally. Annual Leave also covers absences due to personal obligations, adverse weather conditions, and, in lieu of sick leave, illness in the immediate family. Employees must enter leave into the WolfTime Leave and Timekeeping system upon use for supervisors approval. Supervisors must approve leave weekly in order for employee leave balances to remain up to date.

Annual leave is credited to employees who are working, on paid leave, or on Workers’ Compensation leave and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Full time and part-time permanent SHRA (Staff Subject to the Human Resources Act) employees, persons in time-limited appointments, trainees, and probationary employees.
  • Permanent EHRA (Exempt from the Human Resource Act) employees who work between 20 hours per week (.5 FTE) and 40 hours per week (1.0 FTE), and are employed on a 9, 10, 11, or 12 month Appointment; Research Associate (Post-doc), Teaching Associate (Post-doc), (Post-doc) Intern and Resident (Post-doc) employees.
  • Note: 9 month faculty do not earn annual leave

Annual leave may be used for a variety of circumstances:

  • Vacation
  • Other periods of absence for personal reasons
  • Absences due to adverse weather conditions
  • Personal illness (in lieu of sick leave)
  • Illness in the immediate family
  • Time lost for late reporting; however, deductions should be made from the employee’s pay where excessive tardiness or absenteeism occurs
  • Donations to an employee who is an approved voluntary shared leave recipient

Note: Although approval of the use of vacation leave is discretionary, requests by an employee to use vacation leave for cultural and/or ethnic-related events should be granted if the employee has accrued vacation leave and the granting of the leave will not result in undue hardship on the department or its employees.

Fulltime SHRA

Years of ServiceLeave Accruals – Earned Per Month
0-59 hrs. 20 min. (9.33 hours in WolfTime)
5-1011 hrs. 20 min. (11.33 hours in WolfTime)
10-1513 hrs. 20 min. (13.33 hours in WolfTime)
15-2015 hrs. 20 min. (15.33 hours in WolfTime)
20+17 hrs. 20 min. (17.33 hours in WolfTime)

Fulltime SAAO

Days Per YearAnnual Leave (Monthly)
26 days17 hours, 20 min. (17.33 hours in WolfTime)

Fulltime EHRA

Days Per YearAnnual Leave (Monthly)
24 days16 hours (16 hours in WolfTime)


AppointmentAnnual Leave
12 Month12 days

Annual leave is adjusted proportionately for part-time employees who work halftime or more (20-40 hours/week). The monthly earnings amount is equal to one-twelfth of the annual rate for each month the employee works or is on approved leave with pay. Monthly leave is earned when an employee works or is on approved leave with pay for at least half of the working days of a month.

Annual leave in excess of 240 hours (prorated for part-time employees) on December 31 of each year shall be converted to sick leave.

For more information regarding annual leave accrual rates visit the OSHR website or HRNow.

Employees should submit a request for annual leave to their supervisor; employee preference should be considered and schedules worked out bearing in mind individual departmental needs.

Want More Information?

Click below for more information regarding annual leave at NC State.