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Loss of Other Coverage

Qualifying Life Event

Changes in a spouse’s or dependent’s employment is generally considered a Qualifying life event. If your spouse or dependent loses coverage, you’ll have 30 days to request conditional changes to your State Health and NCFlex benefits. The 30-day window starts on the date your spouse or dependent loses eligibility for coverage or terminates employment.

The effective date for your benefit coverage changes will be the first day of the month following the date that your spouse or dependent lost coverage or terminated employment.

If you want to add a spouse or dependent to your benefits coverage because your spouse or dependent has lost coverage, you must provide documentation in support of your request. The documentation you provide must include your spouse’s or dependent’s name and the effective date their coverage ends. Please note that an “issued date” or “print date” is not the same as an effective date and is not acceptable.

If you or your dependents change your country of permanent residence by moving to or from the United States, a signed written statement documenting the event and proof of the date you or your dependent changed your county of permanent residence is required.

Loss of coverage doesn’t qualify as a qualifying life event if you voluntarily dropped your coverage, lost coverage because you didn’t pay your premiums or lost coverage because you didn’t provide the required documentation within the 30-day window to provide documents.

Important Note: Failure to provide documentation to the benefits office in a timely manner will result in delays and eventual cancellation of your benefit changes. Since the State Health Plan requires advance payment, be aware that once the change is made there may be multiple monthly premiums due or refunded.

How To Request Changes and Upload Documents

You can request changes to your benefits due to a qualifying event and submit documents in support of your request through the employee benefits enrollment portal, via MyPack portal.