Health Insurance for Faculty & Staff
The State Health Plan of North Carolina
The State Health Plan offers freedom of choice among in-network and out-of-network providers, lower out-of-pocket costs and a places a strong emphasis on preventive health. There are two health plans available, the 70/30 plan and a 80/20 plan. See below for plan comparisons and information, or visit the State Health Plan website for complete details.
NC State University offers health insurance to eligible faculty and staff who work at least 30 hours per week (.75 FTE), and who work on a recurring contract of 9 months or greater. The University pays an employer health insurance premium for employees who work at least .75 FTE in a regular position on a recurring contract of 9 months or greater. Employees pay a portion of employee coverage and the full cost of dependent coverage.
Eligible faculty and staff who work between 20 hours per week (.5 FTE) and 29 hours per week (.74 FTE) OR those that work 30 hours per week (.75 FTE) or greater but less than a nine month contract or a non-recurring contract are eligible to enroll in the State Health Plan, but must pay full cost for employee coverage in addition to any dependent coverage needed.
Effective Dates of Coverage
New employees must enroll within 30 days of their hire/start date. Employees who do not elect to enroll themselves in the State Health Plan within their first 30 days WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENROLL until the next annual enrollment or if they experience a qualifying life event.
Start of Coverage
Coverage may begin the first of the month following your hire/start date or the first of the second month following your hire date. Employees select which month the coverage will begin. For example, a new employee hired on September 15th may begin coverage on either October 1st or November 1st. Insurance premiums are deducted one month in advance of the coverage effective date. Keep in mind that your choice of effective date may result in a double deduction for the first month. Faculty hired on July 1st, but whose work obligation begins in August, still need to complete their benefits enrollments, including medical and mandatory retirement, within the 30-calendar day enrollment deadline from July 1st.
End of Coverage
If employment terminates on the 1st through 15th of the month, coverage will end on the last day of the current month. If employment ends between the 16th and last day of the month, coverage will end on the last day of the following month.
Premiums and Enrollment
The State Health Plan is a pre-pay plan. Coverage is paid one month in advance through payroll deduction. Visit the State Health Plan website to view current rates for health insurance premiums.
Employees can choose from four coverage levels:
- Employee Only
- Employee + Children
- Employee + Spouse
- Employee + Family (must include spouse and child(ren)
Enrollment is done through the State Health Plan/NCFlex online enrollment system, via MyPack portal. Visit HRNow for detailed enrollment instructions.
Dependent Verification
Dependent verification documents are required whenever a dependent is being added to your State Health Plan benefits. These documents must be uploaded within 30 days of your benefits enrollment or change. Failure to provide sufficient documentation will result in delays and the removal of any unverified dependents.
Health Insurance Plans
NC State employees have two plans available, the 70/30 PPO plan, and the 80/20 PPO plan.